Well in 9 days time the 1st month of the year will have passed!
So what has happened in the last 19 days. Well I started a new job (mind the job has a short shelf life of 1 year so I still have to look for another new job.) then I have just completed my first language lesson (my second one is tonight.).
In the world the Euro crisis is still rumbling along, with Greece looking like they are going to default on the loan again. Italy has put in place it's austerity measures to try and cut back on Government debt, and key member countries in Europe like France have had their Credit Ratings lowered. The week before the Credit Ratings were adjusted France was advised the their rating was going to be cut and there was uproar in their government and there was lots of comments saying that Britain should also have their ratings cut as well.
Speaking of Britain...over here unemployment has risen again, the price of living has fallen for the second month and the government has given the green light or permission for Highspeed 2 railway to be built.
In Scotland the politicians of the Scottish National Party are campaigning for full Scottish Independence (which is an old story really but has gained momentum over the last year).
In North Korea the leader died on a train, and his son is now the new leader.
The West are still not happy with Iran as they continue to develop their Nuclear plants. Of course we will not truly know what's happening there as the West will have their point of view as will the leaders of Iran.
Returning back to Europe again now and back to Italy. During the last 7 days a giant Cruise Liner ran aground because of what looks like its Captain showing off to a former ships captain. The captain then fled the ship and has since been arrested........So yet another story to be followed.
Otherwise there are no new stories to report.
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