Saturday, 31 December 2011

The End of an Era

Well the year 2011 is fast drawing to an end, and it was certainly an eventful one!

There was the Arab Uprising which is still happening in some Arab countries then there was the fall and death of Bin Lardin & also Colenel Gadaffi.
The last of the Space Shuttles was retired.
One of the sad things that happened was that My friend Major Janet Gilson was murdered while she was on holiday in Hong Kong. I knew Janet as we both attended The Salvation Army in Catford. At that time Janet was working at The Salvation Army International Headquarters Youth Department while I was also Working at The Salvation Army International Headquarters in the Savation Army's bank called Reliance Bank.
Major Janet was one of the nicest ladies I have worked with and she loved children and her love took her to Russia where when the USSR collapsed the Salvation Army took over the running of the orphanages there.

2011 also saw the end of the team that I have worked with for the past 5 years so the week before Christmas I said goodbye to two colleagues, Brian & Paul.
Both are good guys and I am sure that at some point in the future I will meet them again, but it was sad to see the backs of them.
Also this year I said goodbye to some of my other friends in Network Rail, 2 of whom are now in Australia, one in Egypt and then my friend Adam who seems to be enjoying his new life in Israel.

Also in Network Rail we gained new leadership, who within days of officially taking the reigns made their mark and changed the direction that the company was going.

The European Economic continued and as I posted in an earlier blog we will have see what the outcome will bring

There was so many other things that have happened as well that I cannot list them in my blog, but most people will know about in their part of the world!

So 2011 seems to have been a year of change, with the door closing on some chapters in world history and personal history, and then the opening of doors and chapters to new stories yet to be written!

Well readers I hope that 2012 is a great year to you all.

Happy New Year to one and all!

Thursday, 15 December 2011

Only time will tell!

Well it's been one week since our Prime-minister has used his veto on the EU Treaty, and as yet the dust has not settled so it will be some time before we will know if it was the right decision.

In the case of the EU Treaty PM David Cameron was doomed if he had signed up to it and doomed if he hadn't. So either way he would have lost!

If you were to search on the Internet right now about the treaty you would fin so many articles but what I have seen and even personally feel is that as PM of the UK that Mr Cameron has made a

The reason being that if the UK has agreed to sign up to the Treaty then we would have been in a better position to put over the UK's point of view in Europe, but we have now undermined our position in future deals as there will probably be 26 countries overriding the 1 of course I could well be wrong but who can say or tell!

Last week in Russia Elections took place, and Vladimir Putin as expected won. Since his win there have been protests to which Mr Putin has put the blame on the USA. Anyway the protests in Russia are the biggest since the days at the end of the USSR. I gather that Russia is now going to investigate the elections to look into corruption. Of course like in so many countries there is going to be some form of rigging, but as at this point in time the results of the investigation will probably say that there was nothing to be found as the government is so strong, and its leaders are the former heads of the USSR'S KGB. So it will be interesting to see if the demonstrations gain strength and force the governments hand.